Behind every photograph is an inspiring story of

Hope, Positivity & Resilience.

Read personal stories and inspiring messages from Breast Cancer warriors, complied from Nithya Rajkumar's interviews & candid chats at PINKDAYTOSHINE over the years

"Each of the personal stories have the power to inspire someone out there who is coping with Breast Cancer, catapulting them out of their difficult moments. Hope is stronger than fear they say. "- Nithya Rajkumar, Founder #PINKDAYTOSHINE

Shimaa Ahmed
Breast Cancer Warrior

Meet Shimaa who was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the age of 32. She is a working mother of 2, working as a sales executive at a retail cosmetic store, originally from Egypt residing in Abu Dhabi.

“ Two years ago (2019) while I was pregnant, I discovered that I had breast cancer. The first time I heard that from my doctor I felt chocked. I felt my life just crashed right before me in a flash of a second. But I soon prayed and told to myself that I have to face my illness.

Within one month my mass became 7cm from 2.5cm because of pregnancy hormone. Every doctor I met, told me literally to start chemo immediately. So soon after I delivered my baby, I started my journey with Breast Cancer treatment .

My mother and my sister who then came and lived with me, were the ones who gave me positive energy to keep fighting. Unfortunately, my husband was not with me through my cancer journey. Many a times he put me down. With no other support, I started my treatment at TWAM hospital in Al Ain. I used to drive myself from Abu Dhabi to Al Ain and back, for my chemo. I knew, I had to get through this.", shares Shimaa

The doctors , nurses, and the many patients she interacted with, saw her as a true hero and often shared how much positivity she brings along with her. Shimaa shared how this gave her more power to continue with her treatment, and that the presence of her husband at home only made her feel weak inside.

Shimaa insisted that she would work while receiving her treatment. She wished to face the society and hoped to prove to herself and the people around her, that she was still strong even, though there were many moments she felt just the opposite on the inside.

Shimaa’s message to others : “From my experience, I can say that the most important thing in life is Health. If you have health, you can do everything.

I used to hold my plams together and pray to give me the inner energy to help face my treatment. I believe that, when God gives some people life tests and God also gives with them the strength to endure them. Do not despair when you discover that you have Cancer, because this is not the end of life. Embrace your life with everything in it and be ready to face it with all your inner energy to cross the stages of your illness without giving up on yourself. Take few minutes every day for your self, for the sake of your health. Don't ignore the signs, listen to your body. Early detection and treatment can save your life. ”

"As a young mother myself, Shimaa’s story shook my very core. In 2021, I decided to extent PINKDAYTOSHINE to other Emirates aside from Dubai where we had originally started. Meeting Shimaa, I knew why I had that deep urge to take this project to Abu Dhabi. Almost as if to meet her and share her story. Shimaa is one of the sweetest humans and indeed a true Hero that I came across while running this project. She never gave up on herself!"-Nithya Rajkumar

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Mona

Location : Rotana Yas Island ; Location Sponsor: Grandstores LLC @grandstores.ae

Imaging Partner: NIKON @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: Z7 85mm18 , 24 70mm

Usha Shah
Breast Cancer Survivor

Meet Usha a super woman, a brave mom & now a survivor (2022) of Breast Cancer who is now actively spreading awareness on breast cancer.

Read below Usha's candid interview with Nithya Rajkumar at PINKDAYTOSHINE 2021. Usha was undergoing her radiation at the time.

Usha shares, "It was soon after my youngest son’s birthday I felt a lump on my right breast in May 2021, but I didn’t actually do anything about it as assumed it was something from me working out & training every day during the lockdown. Owing to several reasons and the pandemic, I delayed my checkup. I started feeling fatigued & heaviness on my breast and eventually went and got it checked in August.

“I finally got my appointment for ultra sound and mammogram in September. They said “It was not good news.” I learned that I had late stage 3 Breast Cancer. I was heartbroken. My life is being taken away from me! I don’t have much time left were my initial thoughts.”

Her doctor assured her that Breast Cancer unlike most other cancer has higher survival rate and is curable. They assured her that she will come out of this!

Usha started researching before she starts her treatment. Her husband got her connected to few breast cancer support groups in Dubai. Connecting with Breast Cancer warriors & survivors offered her a lot of insight. It helped her with choosing her doctor and prepared for her treatment ahead. "The Brest Friends support network founded by Dr Houriya and Pink Ladies what’s app support network has given me the strength and power to continue.", shares Usha

As the treatment progressed, Usha shares how she felt her energy levels were dropping leaving her feel tired. Usha shares that being a mother of 3, a homemaker, managing all this amidst the pandemic, and having a child with special needs made it quite overwhelming emotionally and physically.

She thanks her medical team at her hospital for cheering her on through treatment each day.

Chemo and its many side effects on your body are tough.

“One of the biggest drawbacks during chemo has been losing my long beautiful hair. I decided to shave my head. But I did it in steps. The moment I did, I felt in control. I was certain not to let the Cancer control me & my emotions.”

“I kept telling myself, that the Chemo is saving my life. I constantly reminded myself, being positive is the only way forward. “

Usha suffered from occasional nose bleeds. Staying hydrated with IV drips when needed, eating healthy, avoiding spicy food and staying positive helped her through the Chemo.

Usha shares, “Looking back at these times, now I can share is that these episodes of side effects are not for long. Remind yourself that you are on your road to recovery. If you are going through your treatment, Hang in there! “

Usha’s message to others: “Don’t wait! Don’t take anything for granted even if it is a small thing. Early detection saves lives. Not only that it changes the treatment plan. You might not need to go through Chemo or radiation, so don’t ignore any signs.

Us cancer women have the scars as a constant reminder of our battles, no matter the constant struggles in our life, we need to remind ourselves about our strength, courage & bravery. YOU GOT THIS!”

“When I met Usha for the first time in Oct 2021- I was a pure symbol of feminine power, of motherhood, of strength and resilence. It is not easy to come forward and share the most vulnerable moments in one’s life. I am super proud of Usha who is a mom to a child with special needs, actively working towards promoting Breast Cancer awareness. In Usha I see a supermom & a super woman, who never let cancer take control! You can follow Usha’s journey on her page @pinkcancersurvivordxb."- Nithya Rajkumar

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: @makeup.sonia Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: Nikon #Z7 #85mm 1.8 #27-70MM 2.8 , Nikon D850 85MM 1.8

Sandya Rajagopal
Breast Cancer Warrior

Meet Sandya who switched from being an entrepreneur to a home maker after her diagnosis & is now enjoying her time with her 6 month old granddaughter. Originally from Kerala, Sandy is a resident of Dubai.

Sandya was a fairly active, busy mom and wife with no history of cancer in the family, and felt why should she worry? However, in 2019 at the age of 50, chancing upon a pea-sized lump in her right breast while showering, changed her world forever.

"My whole world came crashing down when I got the Breast Cancer diagnosis. My thoughts first went to my husband who was in the ICU recovering from a heart attack just a day before and to my two lovely girls.

Am I going to die? Please not now! What about my family?

I froze with uncertainty about my future and it put me in denial and I hoped to wake up from this nightmare. My anxiety lead to procrastination, which lead to being reluctant to start my treatment. I was deeply saddened at being the one to upset the already shaken boat. It was like the grief of losing somebody you love- of losing a sense of self, because life as you thought it would be is now going to change.

A barrage of medical opinions and scans later, the treatment schedules were set. It was a steep learning curve for all of us.", shares Sandya

Meanwhile, Sandya searched desperately for survivor stories just to ascertain that she too could be one. While Sandya was in her depths of despair, she found comfort in the outpouring of love and kindness from her family, friends, care givers and even some strangers. She shares how it was like having an incredibly beautiful warm blanket to guard her through the terrifying times she was living in.

For Sandya, the relief of not having to carry this burden alone in secrecy, made her feel incredibly strong.

"I joined a beautiful support group for Breast Cancer warriors. The inspiration, strength, love and learning from fellow warriors has been truly amazing. Through experiences like cancer, we learn how life should never be removed from top priority, even though the experience can be very eroding, and these support groups show us how to turn our pain into purpose.

The truth is there are no escape ladders. We have to live through it day by day & prepare ourselves for what lies ahead. I understood the importance of living life fully.

The trade off for life saving treatments is a raft of undesirable and long term side effects that I was only beginning to navigate. But my life goals changed. My perspectives changed.

Three years on, I gained a deeper appreciation of EVERYTHING & EVERYBODY in my life. Today I'm thanking God for blue skies and new mercies."

Sandya's message to others:

"Please get your Mammograms every year. Do regular self exams. Early detection truly saves lives. The reality is quite unlike the narrative we tell ourselves- the treatment options are myriad and prognosis great!

And to the women (and men) who've been affected by cancer its a blip. Its is only truly over till you tell yourself it is. Reclaim your power. This experience can be a transformative process- your narrative is important. You're strong as fire and you've got this! Im talking proactive living that really turns life itself into a verb.

Wishing you Peace, Power and Good Health!"

"It has been a pleasure photographing & connecting with Sandya who exudes joy and positivity. One of the sweetest individual I met through PINKDAYTOSHINE. She has taught me that at the end of the day it is MIND OVER MATTER! Cancer is a life-changing experience, however with a positive mindset and a deeper appreciation for life, one can overcome it, one step at a time. I hope Sandy's story inspires the many women back in my home state of Kerala to face the illness confidently and inspire others to carryout regular screenings & understand the importance of early diagnosis.

The above write up has been compiled form my interview of Sandya taken in 2021."

-Nithya Rajkumar

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: @makeup.sonia Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: Nikon #Z7 #85mm 1.8 #27-70MM 2.8 , Nikon D850 85MM 1.8

Sara Shokri
Breast Cancer Warrior

Meet Sara a working professional and Iranian expatriate living in Dubai.

At the age of 41, on the 21st of February 2019, a Thursday, Sara shares how something round she left in her right breast changed her life forever.

"I touched it, but there was no pain. I had to wait another 2 days, till my doctor appointment on Sunday. When I visited the doctor, she advised me to do mammogram and sampling . I later received the call from my doctor confirming the breast cancer biopsy result to be positive. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. It was a heart breaking moment for me.",shares Sara

Sara knew what she had was an aggresive cancer, but she knew she had to live alongside it, not against it.

Sara shares we need to learn and accept the reality and that is how we can survive under any conditions. She says that, it will be hard to adjust initially, but one should not give up. The Chemo and the many side effects of the much needed treatment to iradicate the Cancer is tough, but Sara shares that if she can, then anyone can do it.

"Just give yourself time, you will find your way to adjust yourself with it and come out of it.", shares Sara

Sara underwent mastectomy on her right breast and 6 sessions of chemotherapy and 25 sessions of radiotherapy.

Sara shares, "Every day was a learning. Approaching the treatment without any prior experience or knowledge was tough. I decided to celebrate life and enjoy every moment. So I joined art classes and did regular exercise and attended gatherings with fellow cancers patients. During this time I found lots of friends and even being a part of PINKDAYTOSHINE to share my experience had a positive effect on me and helped me with managing any stress."

Sara’s message to everyone : " Early detection is the key to survival. I ask people to learn how to check their breasts and ask a medical expert if they aren’t sure. I request every woman out out there to get her annual mammogram and conduct regular self checks. If you suspect anything, please do see a medical expert. Be Strong.

If you are going through Cancer, Never give up, Never give in.

Just give yourself time, you will find your way to cope with the situation.

" Dear Body I Always Love You." and "I love life and life loves me back.' are some messages that gave me strength and helped me cope with Breast Cancer treatment. "

"Through my lens, I saw a happy and beautiful human being, with a great zest for life. Sara never let Breast Cancer dullen her spirit. It has been my honor to capture Sara's true essence & positive spirit through these beautiful portraits and to share her story. Sara connected with me for the first time for our 2020 PINKDAYTOSHINE online gathering.

The above write up has been compiled form my from Sara's interview taken in 2020 and 2021."- Nithya Rajkumar

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: @makeup.sonia Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: Nikon #Z7 #85mm 1.8 #27-70MM 2.8 , Nikon D850 85MM 1.8

Avan Pasha
Breast Cancer Warrior

Meet Avan, a young mother to 3 lovely daughters working as a environmental management consultant in Abu Dhabi. 3 years ago in November 2018, at the age of 38, Avan was diagnosed with early stage Breast Cancer.

"Even though I had a family history of my mother, both grandmothers and my great aunt all having had Breast Cancer, I never expected it to happen to me and especially not at such a young age.", shares Avan

Avan had been doing her monthly breast exam at home and felt a small lump in her right breast. Because she had been regularly examining her breasts every month soon after her period, she knew that what she felt was not normal and that she needed to get it checked out.

"The following day I went to my gynecologist for a check up and after examining me she

recommended I do both an ultrasound and a mammogram. Even though I was only 38 years old she advised that I do a mammogram as a precaution due to my family history. The scans indeed showed a suspicious finding in the area where I felt the lump and after a second opinion from another radiologist I was referred to a hospital to do a biopsy which confirmed that the tumour was malignant. After surgery I was diagnosed with early Stage 1A Breast Cancer. My treatment plan was to do 6 weeks of radiation followed by 5 years of hormonal therapy.

That period, from the moment I felt the lump to my initial diagnosis and leading

up to my surgery was the most difficult experience of my life but God gave me the strength and positive mindset to get through this difficult time with the loving support of my family.", shares Avan

Avan's message to everyone : "From my own experience, I wish to highlight the importance of monthly self Breast exams and early screening. Being aware of my family’s history and carrying out regular monthly self breast exams at home after my period, led to early detection and to an early stage diagnosis for me which I will forever be thankful for.

It’s really important for all women, not only those with a family history of Breast Cancer, to know your body and to carry out regular monthly self checks along with the recommended annual scans and clinical exams.

An early detection and an early diagnosis can make all the difference in your life and that of your dear one's! EARLY DETECTION REALLY CAN SAVE LIVES!"

"Avan joined PINKDAYTOSHINE in 2020 as a speaker at the annual online gathering, sharing her story and personal message. Myself, being a Mom to a preschooler in my mid 30's, I was rather shocked when Avan shared her story for the first time. Breast Cancer sees no age. While I read multiple articles on "EARLY DETECTION SAVES LIVES", Avan was a true testament to this. As a fellow Mum, I couldn't be more proud of Avan, a lovely soul, who is a super woman to her three lovely daughters. I am delighted to have finally met Avan at PINKDAYTOSHINE 2021 and to capture the essence of her positive spirit through these photographs."- Nithya Rajkumar

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Mona

Location : Rotana Yas Island ; Location Sponsor: Grandstores LLC @grandstores.ae

Imaging Partner: NIKON @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: Z7 85mm18 , 24 70mm

Sita Guptan
Breast Cancer Warrior

Meet Sita, a working professional of the Government of India and a resident of Kerala who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012. Her routine self examination helped her notice a lump in her right breast. Without wasting time, she went for a mammogram and scan, and it turned out to be malignant. It was Stage 2, HER +ve. As her sister and mother were both doctors, they consulted the best surgeon in the town and within 7 days of detection, mastectomy was done and was referred to Regional Cancer Centre for chemotherapy.

“Before starting the treatment I was fortunate that a Breast Cancer warrior, took her time to visit me. Her positive attitude gave me hope and faith in my treatment. My family stood beside me with prayers, love and support. I believed in my treatment and treatment team. First four session of the chemotherapy went on well except for the hair loss. It was heart breaking to see my long thick hair falling off day by day after the first chemotherapy. So we decided to shave my head fully, and it turned out to be the best decision.

The next 4 sessions were very difficult for her. She had to be admitted in the hospital. Each day she kept reminding herself, “I can handle this, as I am on the way to recovery.”

“The treatment was tough, but it saved me. My pure will to embrace life,along with the suppot of my family, kept me going. This is my 9th year of cancer free life.”, shares Sita

Sita shares how beating the disease raised her self confidence. From taking a driving license, buying a car, traveling to many beautiful places, taking up Yoga as a regular practice; Sita started celebrating life now more than ever. She continues to go for her routine check up every year.

Sita’s message to everyone is : "Listen to your body. Dont ignore the signs and don’t rely on google doctor. Early detection helps in better treatment outcome. Do not indulge in self pity or feeling guilty. This is a disease which we can handle and don’t forget, EARLIER THE BETTER. "

"This was the first time my survival and fight was celebrated than viewed as a pitiful phase. Being part of PINKDAYTOSHINE was definitely is a landmark event for me and has lifted up my spirits. Once again thank you Nithya Rajkumar"

"One of the intents of this project was also to normalize the approach to Breast Cancer. In many parts of the world, Breast Cancer is still viewed as a taboo or as something that diminishes a woman’s value. This mindset has to change. Many women succumb to this Cancer due to lack of support systems and poor awareness. During my research, the lack of openness of people in my own home state Kerala,India became obvious to me. Many women fought their battle in solitude.

Hence, in 2021 unable to travel to India amidst COVID, I decided to do a remote photoshoot with a Breast Cancer warrior from my hometown willing to share her story. I am thankful for Sita's trust. I hope Sita’s story and those of others, inspire women & families back in my home state."-Nithya Rajkumar

Remote Photography: thanks to support of Sita's 11 year old nephew Dev Krishna @nithyarajkumar.in

Location : Trivandrum Kerala

Imaging Partner: NIKON @nikonmea#nikonmea

Rajaa Khalifa
Breast Cancer Warrior

Meet Rajaa, Breast Cancer warrior and nothing less of a super woman joined us at PINKDAYTOSHINE 2021 event organized at Rotana Yas Island, Abu Dhabi.

Rajaa is working mum of 3 lovely children, with her youngest child being 2 yrs old. She was diagnosed with a rare type of stage 3 Breast Cancer in January 2021 and was still going through her Chemo treatment at the time we met.

Rajaa shares "Initially I was told I will not be needing chemo so I had a mastectomy in February and shortly after my surgery the pathology report showed I must take chemo as it had spread to a lymph node and this was very difficult for me as I was terrified of chemo and losing my hair after getting a few medical opinions and talking to the ladies in the breast cancer support group I took the courage and started chemo in April 2021. I started losing my long thick hair shortly after the first chemo and by second session I again took the courageous decision of shaving it all myself as watching it fall was very distressing.

Rajaa shared how hard she tried, not to let this affect her family and that she always tried to do everything for her kids. Her husband stood up for her, as the parent & partner she needed, be it taking care of the kids on her worst days and the days she felt she couldn't move. Having her mum beside her and her mom's prayers gave Rajaa the strength to carry on through each day of treatment. Rajaa's close circle of friends gave her an outlet to talk about anything and that always made her feel much better. Meeting other women through Breast Cancer support groups who went through Cancer, became a source of inspiration and courage for her.

"My journey has not been a smooth one as after completing the prescribed number of chemo sessions , however here I am 9 months later still fighting and trying to stay as positive and as strong as possible."

Rajaa's message to everyone is : " I urge all the ladies, no matter what your age is, to go and get yourself checked. You must do regular monthly self examination on your own. Don't be scared if you find anything suspicious, do get it checked it out with a medical professional. Many women find things and they ignore it. In the case of Breast Cancer, 'Early Detection Is Key'.

Every day, that I wake up with my kids, is a Gift and I try my best to create beautiful memories for my kids. Sometimes we need to go through such events to realise what matters most and what doesn't in our lives."

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Mona

Location : Rotana Yas Island ; Location Sponsor: Grandstores LLC @grandstores.ae

Imaging Partner: NIKON @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: Z7 85mm18 , 24 70mm

Stacey Fernandes
Breast Cancer Warrior

Stacey was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer in the start of 2021 amidst the Covid Pandemic . When I first met Stacey, she was due to undergo her radiations and further medications. Through my lens, all I saw was a bubbly lady whose eyes sparkled as she smiled. She continued to smile as she shared her story of struggle & of her triumph over Cancer.

"I'm Stacey, a 48 yr old, wife to a doting husband and 7 year old bundle of energy and a 6 month old pup! Dec 2020 we find out that my father had a rare form of Stage 4 lung cancer.

Early start of the year, Jan 2021, I did something I normally never do - I checked my breast when having a shower. I felt something like a ping pong ball in my right breast and shared with my husband. We knew we had to go to the doctor immediately. Upon receiving the PET scan results and receiving the final diagnosis of 'BIG C', my initial reaction was a pity party for myself in the car while driving back. While seated in the car, I remember literally telling myself to Stop feeling sorry for myself . Unlike what I expected, my dad took the news like a champ!

This motivated me and I decided that I would plough through this, but in my terms. I was very certain that I did not want to share this news with my extended family or friends until I was almost done with chemo. Aside from managing myself, I wasn't prepared to manage the emotions of others. While this may not be everyone's route, it worked really well for me.

No one looking at me then would be able to say that I was suffering from cancer. Truth is, I wasn't suffering from the cancer, just the after effects of chemo. "

Stacey completed 6 doses of chemotherapy, a lumpectomy and axillary node drainage over the course of the next couple of months. She shared how her Oncologist's transparent approach & guidance helped her prepare for the treatments and its possible side effects.

Stacey's message to others is : " Do what you think is best for You! Cancer affects each individual in a unique way. Do what makes you feel good and positive. I personally avoided long conversations around Cancer, simply because I felt it brought me down, as though I am dwelling in a negative space mentally! Conversations with friends were around "How are you feeling?"; "Do you need anything." I never allowed for a pity party.

If you feel better sharing with everyone, then go ahead. If you feel like going for a walk, do so. I walked and jogged whenever I could. I rested when I wanted do. I danced when I felt like it, so on and so forth.But make sure, you have a positive support system around you. For me it was my immediate family and handful of friends to whom , I will be eternally grateful.

Sound healing sessions and few other holistic sessions felt nourishing to my soul and worked wonders on me mentally.

Try to accept the situation as graciously as you can and believe that you will come out stronger at the end of it. At the end of it, it really is mind over matter , trust that all will be well. Make the most of every moment you have. And as cliché as it is, What doesn't kill you, really does make you stronger."

"Stacey is a true phoenix who never let Breast Cancer dullen her spirits. We saw a glimpse of her "funky Pink Wig" as she calls it , the one that she got herself just before her Chemo had begun." - Nithya Rajkumar

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: @makeup.sonia Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: #Z7 #85mm18

Joylyn Hantig Reano
Breast Cancer Warrior

Meet Joylyn, a teaching assistant based in Abu Dhabi and a mother of 2 lovely children.

At the age of 40 years, Joylyn was diagnosed with early stage of breast cancer.

"Last May 2020, world as I knew it changed. I never thought that I would become a victim of Breast Cancer. Right in the middle of pandemic, is when this battle against cancer started. Presence of Covid, then an unknown & much feared Virus, didn't make it easy at all. After consulting several doctors, I finally decided to undergo chemotherapy. This was the hardest time in my life but knew I need to fight this illness, for the sake of my family especially for the sake my beloved children. I was glad I found it at an early stage"

Now I am almost done with my treatment. I couldn't have got through this without the help and support of my family, my dear friends and all the people with a good heart who reached out to me. Today, I enjoy living with my family, and I am truly happy and grateful to God. I feel I have received a second chance at life."

Joylyn's message to others: "My advise to those who face Breast Cancer or any such illness, is

1) Do not be afraid, be brave and face this disease, the right treatment no matter how tough, will save you.

2) It is better to be detected early. EARLY DIAGNOSIS CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE! I am thankful I found it at an early stage.

3) Do regular Breast Examination. If you feel anything, don't be afraid. Consult the doctor, a medical expert who can help you to figure out what you need to do."

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Mona

Location : Rotana Yas Island ; Location Sponsor: Grandstores LLC @grandstores.ae

Imaging Partner: NIKON @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: Z7 85mm1.8 , 24-70 2.8

Mariejoy Robles
Breast Cancer Warrior

Mariejoi is an Optometrist based in Abu Dhabi. She was diagnosed with Breast Cancer a year ago in Oct 2020, amidst the rise of the COVID pandemic.

"You can call me Joy, and I am a Breast Cancer warrior who up until this time has been giving all my 100% trust in God, that I will fully recover! I am in currently in my last stage of treatment which is Herceptin injections. I am truly thankful to God for giving me another chance in life."

Joy's message to others : "If you are going through Cancer, please be strong and have faith in God. Gracefully accept all the help that you can. And if you are a relative or a friend to someone going through Breast Cancer or any form of sickness, please reach out to them, because there is always more strength & power of healing in togetherness."

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Mona

Location : Rotana Yas Island ; Location Sponsor: Grandstores LLC @grandstores.ae

Imaging Partner: NIKON @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: Z7 85mm1.8 , 24-70 2.8

Sapna Ahuja
Breast Cancer Warrior

Sapna is a jewellery designer and a furniture artist based in Dubai and runs her small business ventures. She was diagnosed in September of 2017, in her mid 40's.

"You somehow believe, you are never going to get Cancer. I had never done a mammogram, an ultra sound or a self check. One fine day, I felt a lump on my breast during my shower. I used to be very physically active with gym workouts and pilates. I assumed, I must have pulled a muscle or so. There was no pain. My husband who usually doesn't prefer going to hospitals, said let's go and have it checked. The GP confirmed the lump , however she was upset that I hadn't done any routine check ups earlier. She said this could have been caught early on. And in 5days the biopsy results that came is was negative. I was celebrating now. Great! It's benign. But the surgeon found some hyperactive cells, which might not be cancerous, but since it's a lump, it had to be cleared. A lumpectomy was performed and since the biopsy earlier had come negative, the doctor didn't check the lymph nodes. And that was send for further study since the hyperactive cells were noticed. In about a week's time that came positive for Cancer - with STAGE 2A.

I was in a state of shock. I decided to fly to India and visit my family doctor. Where a PETCT scan was done to check if the lymph nodes were affected and how much cancer had spread. Luckily it was just localized to my lymph nodes. I also learned how much your hormones can impact the Cancer & your body. I had 3 surgeries in one day. "

Sapna decided to get her treatment back here in Dubai. As per her, the treatment and the protocol followed here was supposedly far more easier on her body. She says, 'There is nothing easy about Chemo. However my doctor spread the treatment schedule in such a way that my body can take it. "

"Chemo tries to wear you down mentally and physically. And I am thankful for the amazing team of doctors and the cheerful nurses, who offered me so much positivity & hope through out my treatment. They took my fear away and make it as easy as it can be for me. Chemo is harsh, but you know it will save you. Every Chemo , I became more aware. I learned what to eat, how to prepare my body for the next session. Must husband called me, "The Chemo Ninja", as I used to lift myself off the bed and be ready for the next round of Chemo.

When back home after each Chemo, reality just stares at you. Feeling of being knocked down physically, losing your taste buds when you are a foodie . Losing my much loved hair was emotionally toughest. Emotionally, it was a roller coaster rise."

However Sapna made peace with Chemo and literally like a mantra told herself, that the Chemo is helping her be cancer free and she will help her body survive through this. Yet, there were days she felt like giving up. But, she never gave up. Wanting to see that beautiful life on the other side of Chemo, kept motivating her. She shares that the support of her husband Saurabh and her parents and love shown by her near & dear made her feel loved and gave her the strength she needed. In 2018 Sapna joined a Cancer Support group called PINK LADIES through her dear friend Kate. Joining the group, she met many strong women who were brave survivors and it helped fading many of Sapna's fears.

Sapna has now successfully completed all treatments related to her diagnosis in February of 2021.

Sapna's message to others: "Do not give up! I believe, giving up is not an option. When you don't give up there is that wonderful 2nd chapter of life waiting for you on the other side of your treatment. Grab that life with both hands! You will come out as a whole new person. Yes, there will be difficult situations that will be connected to Cancer. But, you will be able to deal with it, as you will be far more stronger. You will never be the same person. Your view of your self and your body will change. You will look at life with a new pair of eyes.

I know my body has gone through a lot, as much as I have been through mentally & emotionally. I am now more than ever, mindful of what I am eating, how I am thinking. I now have a strong focus on self love. I surround myself with happy & positive people. I have build regular exercise and healthy eating into my daily routine.

Keep your mind strong. Never give into Cancer. I wasn't strong when I started my journey with cancer, but I became strong!

From my own experience, do regular self exams and if you feel anything, listen to your body and get it checked with a medical expert. Catch it early on, can save your life and can avoid harsh treatments. "

In Sapna, I have now found a lovely elder sister. When I first spoke to Sapna in October 2021, I sensed a strong, warm and caring person. She has been actively involved with supporting those going through Cancer treatment. Only during my interview, I knew how Sapna was moulded into the diamond she is now, from an emotionally vulnerable and delicate state. Sapna took chemo as her ally, drew strength for her medical staff & her loved ones, and took power away from Cancer. She is everything PINKDAYTOSHINE speaks of. I hope someone out there reading this page, finds their ray of hope & strength through Sapna's story. - Nithya Rajkumar

Joan Resta
Breast Cancer Warrior

Joan was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in January 2020. While she was still undergoing her radio therapy, Joan came forward to share her message, in hopes to give Hope to others fighting their battle with BreastCancer and to share the importance of getting checkups and early detection to the all the women out there.

I am Joan Resta 42 years old, married with 2 kids. It was in November 2019 when I first felt the pain on my right breast, I was thinking it will go away, but the pain grew stronger.

Then I did self breast examination and felt the lump. At first I was told its benign, got a second opinion , and found out it was cancer. I was sad and scared, I thought about my children.

Cancer changed my life all of a sudden, and the timing was not really good – it was amidst the pandemic.

I underwent my first chemo in February. Everything changed for me , and with the pandemic also on the side, it wasn’t easy. I was also Covid positive at one point. This journey I knew wasn’t only for myself, but also taken by the whole family, as I did see them hurt & worried.

It wasn't easy. My family & my doctors & oncologists and church mates who have been praying with me has been my biggest strength during these tough times. I'm currently undergoing my radiotherapy.

Some label it as the “big C” , but the only big C I know comes from my faith. My faith in God grew stronger and I started believing in the power of prayers and positive mind.

Joan's message to others is : "Do not procrastinate, get yourself checked. Better to do it for prevention. You will never know who will get it. I never expected to get it.

Take care of your self and love yourself, there are many people who love you also.Hold on to your Faith, do your prayers. Be open about what you have been going through, ask for help. Many people are willing to listen and support. Know that you are not alone in this battle! "

'I had the pleasure of meeting and photographing this lovely mother of two. I hope her message helps others fighting their Battle with BreastCancer. #pinkdaytoshine celebrates amazing women like Joan gracefully Battling Breast Cancer. ', Nithya Rajkumar

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist:Priyanka Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: #Z6 #85mm14 #24-70mm

Tania Abiad
Breast Cancer Survivor

Meet Tania a two time Breast Cancer survivor who joined us on #PINKDAYTOSHINE 2019. When I spoke to Tania for the first time for a photography project in support of Breast Cancer survivors, I instantly recognized a confident, happy & strong individual who with her attitude of Gratitude & her positive spirit had been fighting all odds against Breast Cancer.

"Cancer has an effect on your body, your psyche on everything", Tania said smiling with tear filled eyes. It is tough to open up about the moments where one has been the most vulnerable physically & mentally yet Tania shares her story in hopes to help others.

"In 2013 I felt a small lump tiny as a pea I decided to get it checked. The doctor came back with my results being positive for Breast Cancer . When I heard this for the first time, I was more worried about my family, their response and their pain than mine. I knew, I had to be strong for them. The journey was tough. More than anything, Chemo kind of just knocks you out, sometimes it would leave me unable to get up from my sofa for few days in a row. But thankfully with the support of my family, my friends , a positive attitude and a positive atmosphere around me, helped me in every step of the way.

Almost 5 yrs later , I was feel great, there were no symptoms. One day as I was lying in bed I felt a lump. This time it wasn't a pea size but more like a muscle. I got myself checked and the genealogist brushed it off to be nothing. My doctor was traveling at the time. I ignored the sensation I felt and my doubts. But while , I am there ignoring it, it was getting bigger. My doctor was back, and during one of the monthly checkups, I got this checked. It was Breast cancer the second time and had spread to my limbs. Again chemo, radio therapy, clearing limp nodes and now double mastectomy. I didn’t hesitate to do a double mastectomy when the doctor suggested. I felt I needed to do whatever was necessary and better for my health. Chemo this time around was stronger than the chemo I had. My approach to positive visualisation, from imagining the red light to be a magical light healing & removing the bad things in my body, helped me a lot. "

Tania's message to everyone is : "I can't reinstate the fact that Early Detection saves lives. Please don't procrastinate. I got it once at the age of 35 and then at the age of 40.

It's important to get checked once a year, especially if you are over 30 years of age. Always trust your gut when you feel something is off. Never ever wait. The timing is extremely crucial when dealing with a possibility of cancer. Do take a second opinion, especially when you feel something isn't right.

Talk to your cells, visualize, manifest, eat healthy, think positive, slow down, be mindful, remove toxic people, and more than anything else have THE WILL & DESIRE TO LIVE! There are so many of us out there, who have COME THROUGH AGAINST ALL ODDS. Wishing you good health now and always.”

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Paula Gioga Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: Nikon Z6 85mm1.4

Anna Liamtseva
Breast Cancer Warrior

Anna shares her story:

"Cancer doesn’t know the age , the gender and your attitude .

This March 9th 2020, ( post Women’s day in my country Ukraine) , I went to collect my ultrasound and biopsy results with full assurance that I am healthy and didn’t have anything.

Life changed 360degrees after that day : I cried , I calmed down , I cried again.... Having triple negative breast cancer stage 2 at age of 33 sounded like something not for me .

But life goes on no matter what . With support of my family , my friends, 2 kids and definitely my best husband I went through 16 rounds of chemo and double mastectomy surgery with positive spirit and great belief in life and it’s wonders."

"My two little kids, they helped me. I fought for my kids. I can stand up to anything for them", with tear filled eyes Anna said.

Anna's message to everyone : “Breast self exam should be a routine at least few times per year. Be vigilant and know your body well! There is no particular age for the cancer. For me it was at the age of 33.

Keep the spirit up, live one day at a time , and enjoy what you are doing today. We human beings are so strong , we can go through any hardships ! Hope for the best and everything will pass quickly 🙏🏻 And recently I have celebrated my second birthday on September 22 , 2020 - when I got my pathology reports stating I have no cancer cells in my body ! Life is wonderful and wonders happen! "

"It been my honor to have met Anna who is a fellow young mom. We shared some tearful moments as Anna shared the ordeals she went through as a mother, a primary caregiver to her young kids. #PINKDAYTOSHINE has been an emotionally challenging project for me but with a lot of takeaways. Anna has taught me the importance of positive thinking & of having a purpose and about keeping up a positive attitude amidst," Nithya Rajkumar

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist:Priyanka Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: #Z6 #85mm14 #24-70mm

Cheryl Cox
Breast Cancer Survivor

Meet Cheryl who is a passionate florist based in Dubai , whose world shook as she found out about having Breast Cancer on November of 2019. When I met Cheryl she had just undergone her second surgery few weeks ago, yet she came forward gracefully accepting this special treat extended in honor of her and many alike.

"Thankyou for reaching out to me. November 2019, I went to see a doctor because of the severity of menopausal symptoms I was having. Before treating me she asked me to several tests and one of them was a routine mammogram. I had only done one mammogram before and that was about 5 years previous. On Nov 13th I got a call that shook my world. I found out I had Breast Cancer and that I would need to have it treated as soon as possible. I was in shock and it took me days to process what it all meant. Going through the unknown elements of chemotherapy with all the dreaded side effects was daunting. I had to take it one step at a time, one session at a time. Recovery from the first surgery was very painful and slow. It was a tough year for me. I knew it will take at least a year to see any significant improvement. But now, every day it's a little bit better. I know now, that I have come quite far. In so many ways I feel blessed. God has got me through the toughest of days, and I am now looking forward to the future. ",Cheryl

Cheryl's message to others : "It has been a great day at #pinkdaytoshine. I really would encourage you to reach out to other women in the similar situation and to connect & get that support. It is really important to have that support group, it really makes a world of a difference.

Although I know breast cancer awareness has come a long way,I still think not enough is being said about it in general conversations.I am taking every opportunity I get to share my story with friends and family.

It's not a life sentence - Breast Cancer.There is always HOPE at the end of it. It is really important for us to look beyond the present worries and look forward to the future, and all that LIFE has for us. "

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Priyanka Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: #Z6 #85mm14

Catherine Chilton
Breast Cancer Survivor

"I was diagnosed with Advanced stage 3 breast cancer in March 2014. I underwent a double mastectomy and lymph node removal followed by 6 months of chemotherapy, then 5 weeks of daily Radiation followed by another year of chemotherapy. At the time of diagnosis my boys were only 5yrs and 6 yrs old.

Prior to Breast Cancer I used to get regular check ups. When I had my children, I blinked and it was 6yrs and I never got myself checked. In that 6yrs I developed advanced stage 3 Breast Cancer, one of the lumps being 8cm.

The thing that kept me going, and gave me a reason to fight Breast Cancer are my 2 boys who gave me strength and my husband who was always by my side. ", Catherine.

Cathrine’s message to everyone is: “Keep up your regular checks. Especially ladies with young children tend to forget about themselves. Keep up the regular checks, see a doctor once every year. Every month do self examination. A large majority of the ladies that discover Breast Cancer, discover themselves through self checks.

Every woman I have met who have had Breast Cancer, have one thing in common. Not one of us believed it would happen to us. Cancer is non discriminative , sadly. If you catch it early, it’s probably a stage zero with no radiation or chemotherapy. Don’t be an idiot (excuse my expression) that I was. I was foolish to stop checking myself as I was so focused on being a Mum. But we are only useful as being a mother if we look after ourselves. "

'The lovely Catherine joined me on #pinkdaytoshine 2020 to share her story of Breast Cancer, with much enthusiasm and a warm smile. She has been actively involved with projects that raise Breast Cancer awareness. Being a young mother myself, I could instantly resonate to what Catherine was trying to tell me and many other fellow moms out there. As mothers, especially new moms tend to prioritize children & family or to an extend even work, yet we tend to lose ourselves in the whole picture. All mothers and caregivers out there, you need to look after yourselves, in order that you can look after your loved ones.'- Founder Nithya

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: @paulag.mua Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: #z6 #85mm14. Nikon D850 24-70mm

Priyanka Gupta
Breast Cancer Survivor

Priyanka's hearty smile, zest for life and her can do attitude is what I instantly admired about her. She underwent breast cancer few years ago. She shared how some days were very tough. Though cancer free , her arms were left weak post treatment. She was determined to not let Cancer take over her spirit and her dreams.

Priyanka says ," It wasn’t easy. But I never gave up on myself. If I did, no one can help me. So I kept doing everything I can. My arms were left weak post Breast Cancer. There is only one life. I worked on my body and I supported it. I underwent strict physio therapy. I ensured I ate greens and did regular yoga. I found how your breath can help heal your body. Now Nithya, I play golf, a game that requires arm strength. Yes, I never let Cancer dictate what I can do or I can't."

Priyanka's message to other's is :

"Never let Cancer dictate what YOU can do or YOU can't. Practise gratitude, eat healthy, exercise regularly, and I highly recommend Yoga. Apart from a positive mind, even your breath has the power to heal you. There is always two sides to every story, stay on the positive side and stay grateful. I hope to share this message to everyone out there. Pinkdaytoshine ! "

I hope Priyanka’s inspiring words reach out to many others out there.

It was my pleasure to meet Priyanka and many others this #pinkdaytoshine2020

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Priyanka Sarkar Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: #Z6 #85mm14 , Nikon D850 24-70mm

Yusra Zubair
Breast Cancer Survivor

Did you know that 5% of breast cancer cases occur in women under 40 years of age.

Meet this young Mom who battled Breast Cancer at the age of 30.

Yusra's message to everyone : "Younger women tend ignore the warning signs—such as a breast lump or an unusual discharge as they believe they are too young to get breast cancer. Be aware of your body. Be aware of the signs to watch for. Get yourself checked.

Tell yourself that no matter how tough days may seem, you will stand by your self. Keep going. Fight the cancer with your positive attitude & smile"

"In 2018, I lost myself. Physically I lost my body parts like my breasts, my hair, my eyelashes and eyebrows, as I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

I don't have the same strength or energy but what I do feel is gratitude. I feel so fortunate for all the people who helped me get past the last 8 months, especially my parents and my husband. I feel so blessed to be born in a culture where family stays together, forever. Alhumdullilah. I am so happy to be on the other side. F*** you, Cancer. You didn't get the best of me. I will never take my life or health for granted and I will live each day to the fullest. I found strength at my weakest, I found light in my darkness, I found beauty in my scars.", shared Yusra.

"I always love to smile. I should say I smiled through BreastCancer. There have been tough days with Chemo & post chemo the journey was still long & hard, but I took it one day at a time. Never let anything take your Smile away.", shares Yusra .

Meeting Yusra, I learned that 'No Cancer can change who you are in the Core. You are still the same person. That person who loves to smile. That person who loves the beautiful relationships & connections. That person who embraces life with gratitude.' -Nithya Rajkumar

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Priyanka Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: #Z6 #85mm14

Jennie Hennessy
Breast Cancer Survivor

"I'm Jennie, I am 44 and mother of 2 lovely daughters. I don't post much on social media so this is stepping out of my comfort zone big time. October 2019 I joined a group in my community doing a couch to 5k. I was never a runner, I could walk for miles but not run to save my life. I made great friends in this group and we continued to run together daily and joined run events on the weekends. In 2020 I was the fittest and healthiest I'd been in years and I felt great. One day in June 2020 I was giving my hairdresser full control over a funky new rainbow hair look for me and a week later I'm sitting in a Dr's office with my husband being told I have breast cancer.

As if 2020 didn't have enough hurdles for us to jump already with the arrival of COVID 19.

I have always believed that no matter what life throws at you, all you can do is take each day as it comes. These words I have often used while facing hurdles in life. So in June 2020 when I was diagnosed with Her2 grade 3 breast cancer I knew, I could only deal with this one day at a time.

I knew I've got a battle ahead but all I can do is show up, let the treatments do what needs to be done so I can recover and get back to being fit and healthy. To date I have had 13 weeks of chemotherapy, it is not a walk in the park but it is not like it is shown in the movies. The biggest struggle I found is the fatigue and how I can't do all the simple things I took for granted. The other struggle was the loss of my hair. One day after a shower my body was covered in loose hair from my head, I just couldn't cope with that any more. I went told my husband. It was so emotional, but I gave both girls a turn as we shaved it all away the tears turned to laughter. My hair , it was gone, it was weird but it'll grow back. It was a tough choice but the right one for me, I was truly relieved .

Being separated from most of my family at this time is so difficult but I need to accept the situation and take the positive aspects. If I had travelled home to Ireland this summer I wouldn't have been diagnosed when I was and treatment would not been started as quickly - meaning this could have been much worse. The one thing that helped me , was that it was caught early enough and it wasn't life threatening. I am currently going through chemotherapy and nearing my surgery stage. It is a roller coaster of emotions and procedures that no one knows about until they go through it. Step by step and day by day I'll get through this as best I can with my husband and daughters by my side helping me smile and shine through🥰", shared Jennie in our brief interview on Oct 2020.

Jennie's message to everyone is : "You need to think positive and know that although you have no control over what is happening, You have got this and that cancer doesn't control you. Delaying getting checked only gives a greater chance of cancer spreading so please don't delay and get yourself checked regularly. If mine was caught a bit earlier, it may been easier to treat , than the long road I have now ahead of me.

It's hard to plan ahead when you don't know what's fully around the corner so you just concentrate on what's going on in your current state of treatment. Just take each day as it comes and do your best to be positive to get through it. There are always good days and bad but the good ones are the ones worth fighting for!"

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Priyanka Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: #Z6 #85mm1.4

Souzan Salaheldin
Breast Cancer Survivor

A teacher at a reputed school in Dubai, Souzan fought her way through cancer despite the odds she had to face. Rather she never let Breast Cancer dullen her spirits.

"I just celebrated my 8th year of no cancer. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 and I had to remove my right breast as I had a 4 cm tumor. I later chose to have a bilateral mastectomy because there was a chance to have the same issue in my left side, I also thought I can do the reconstruction for both sides after finishing chemo treatment. I am so lucky to have such a great family and to have friends who stood by my side and gave me strength when I needed it. The strength and the support I needed the most was from my husband who was sadly, very cold and never came with me to the doctor or to the chemo sessions and we had to break up a few months later. That never stopped me from fighting for myself. This pushed me to share with my students and teach them to be active partcpants in their community by spreading awareness. My students also designed bracelets for lymphodema patients and will be selling them to raise fund for breast cancer research.", Souzan

Souzan's message to everyone: "My advice to every woman is to love herself and to listen to her body. Never ignore symptoms and act as soon as you sense any changes and you will be celebrating years and years of healthy living."

From Nithya's interview with Souzan in 2019

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Mehreen Nabeel Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: Nikon D850 85mm 1.8 , 24-70 2.8

Tara Rowledge
Breast Cancer Survivor

Her eyes reflects her smiling heart. It’s said nothing shakes a smiling heart. Meet Tara who joined us for #pinkdaytoshine shoot for the first time in 2019. When we met again in #pinkdaytoshine2020, it was a pleasure to see how far she had come.

When I connected with her first in 2019, she was coping with Breast Cancer and was undergoing her last few sessions of Chemo.Her strength and jolly spirit caught me instantly during our first telecon. Her tip to others is to not become the cancer, but to simply focus on the beauty of life and all the good that what holds ahead. She comes with a strong passion to support her body through Breast Cancer. Staying fit and eating healthy is her commitment to her beautiful life.

Tara shares her story: "I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast cancer is July 2019. I went through 20 sessions of chemo therapy, double mastectomy and 6 rounds of radio therapy in 2019. During that time in October last year (2019) I was invited to #pinkdaytoshine which was a great way of meeting other ladies who have been through similar situations as myself, each of them in different stages. It was a great way to connect with others and sharing our experience to help other people as well. I have now had 20 sessions of Chemo, 36 sessions of radiotherapy and since the pinkdaytoshine2020 I have had reconstruction surgery in Nov 2020 and fat transfer surgery in August 2021. Cancer didn’t break me it only made be Stronger. "

Tara's message to everyone : "Just listen to your body! Get yourself checked regularly, don't ignore any signs. Try and stay positive. It wasn't easy, I can say there were particularly dark times. I took it one day at a time. I got through it trying to have a big smile of my face most of the time. Surround yourself with people who make you happy, those who lift you up. For me it was my husband, my family & my close friends."

From Nithya's interview with Tara in 2019 and 2020

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Paula Gioga Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: Nikon Z6 85mm1.4 , Nikon D850 85mm 1.8 , 24-70 2.8

Umaima Tinwala
Breast Cancer Survivor
Speaker PINKDAYTOSHINE 2020, 2021

Umaima Tinwala is a senior media professional currently working as a communication and knowledge manager, and has been in the UAE for over 19 years. She is also an active speaker at various podiums raising awareness on Breast Cancer.

I connected with Umaima in October 2019, and when I first shared about my project, Umaima's words were "I love your idea because it actually works towards lifting someone's spirit when they need it the most. Let me know how I can help." She was instantly a part of this project, joining hands with a mission to raise Breast Cancer awareness together.

Umaima shares : "I was diagnosed in early 2014 after I discovered a lump. I was very lucky that I discovered it at stage 1, so I could beat it with the right treatment protocol. I had surgery and then a year-long treatment with lumpectomy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and I was on hormonal medication for the next 4 years, and is now cancer free. It has been very tough. I had lost my own mother to cancer in 2011. It has been something in my family and we have suffered a lot due to it. Therefore, when I found out I had cancer it was very difficult and very scary. For my daughter, I had to stay very strong and I had to fight this cancer.

The biggest challenge I faced was trying to create an environment that somehow felt normal, especially for my daughter who was 9 years old at the time I was diagnosed. I wanted to make her a part of my journey rather than keeping her away or hiding things from her. I think that if she would hear things from other people, or read things about cancer that weren’t relevant to me, it would scare her even more. So, this was a big challenge for me, especially in moments of weakness during my treatment and the pain, I had to constantly remind myself to be strong and stay positive and smiling. Everything that happened to me affected her. On the flipside, this worked out well for me because her presence forced me to stay happy and positive. This went a long way in me getting better and recovering faster. I don’t think I would have managed otherwise, I would have broken down. She has been my motivation and inspiration.

People know me as a strong person. But I do feel all the emotional lows, there were some tough days but those are very private moments and there are very few people who I do show that side to."

Umaima's message to others: “We do have moments in our lives when we feel defeated but we need to reach out and find that motivation. We need to find that reason – why are we doing what we are doing? Why do we want what we want? Once that is clear in our head it automatically pushes us towards that and to do whatever is needed to achieve that. I think we need to stop putting this pressure on us that we need to be the best and the strongest. Another thing I learned in my illness is that we place too many expectations on ourselves. I was this person who was so independent, doing everything for myself. When I got sick, I realized it is okay to ask for help. It is ok to let other people take care of you. Sometimes we have this ego issue about these things. We tend to think that taking help from someone will make them think that they are doing us a favor. But so what? Doing someone a favor makes them feel good that they are doing something nice for you, so what is the harm in that? It is all a matter of perspective!”

From Nithya's interview with Umaima in 2019 and updated in 2020

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Garcie Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: #Z6 #85mm14

Randa Mushtaha
Breast Cancer Survivor

"My name is Randa Mushtaha, 49 years old born and lived all my life in UAE. I am a mother of 3 children and am currently working as the Business Development Director at almentor.net.

End of 2014, I was diagnosed with breast cancer (after 2 wrong diagnosis) stage1 hormonal positive. It was very aggressive , the lump was growing really fast. I had to do mastectomy followed by chemo therapy and Herceptin treatment. One year later, I was invited to join Al Jalila Foundation Breast Cancer Group and from there started passing my inspiring messages and supporting new patients. I enjoy it and I hope those little words I say are making a bit of a difference in someone’s life. I never stopped working. It kept me busy. I never lost hope and I am now back to my normal life.

Questions stormed in and fear and anxiety enveloped me soon after my news of Breast Cancer being positive. What’s next? What about my kids? What about my family? What is going to happen? It was the moment I wasn’t feeling in control anymore. My life changed, I changed.

I accepted the fact that I was sick. A sudden set back in my life, which I kept reassuring myself that I’ll pass through it. When I was young I was afraid of this disease and made the mistake of avoiding hearing anything about it or being fully aware of it. Later I discovered that this fear might have been a reason for my late diagnosis. My doctor started listing down procedures I have to undertake, but I was disconnected, in shock. I met my surgeon and a week after my diagnosis, I went in for my mastectomy. It was hard for me to accept to lose a part that was partially identifying my femininity, me spiritually and physically.

The only way I was able to pass through this all is by spending time with my kids and family. I needed them around as much as they did. It is weird having something that is totally consuming and affecting your life in terms of pain and mental health, but when people look at you, they can’t see it. I used to stay home for ten days after my chemo, and then have a week long party before the next session – and go everywhere I can go and do everything I can do to build up my spirit for the next session and the ten days after it. Chemo did exhaust me, but it couldn’t touch the spark within. That helped to carry me through to the finish line. I realized that I am a lot stronger than I'd given myself credit. In truth, we often rise up and surface with hidden strength during times when we have no choice but to plow through. We put one foot in front of the other because moving forward is the only thing we know how to do. That's when I discovered I can handle the unimaginable after all. I have to say that I got a lot of strength from my parents and family, my husband and my children. It brought us all closer together.

Cancer though it might have robbed me of certain things like my health, it was powerless to take away the things in my life that mattered the most. My family, my inner strength, my wild spirit and my motivation. It planted deeper roots for them instead."

Randa's message to others: "Listen to your body and you will know if there is anything wrong. Don’t ignore the signs. In life we go through difficult situations everyday and we learn to conquer them . We work hard and sometimes we fall and we get back up again and continue our journey. Why do we have to be afraid of Cancer. Imagine a wave coming towards you. If you stand in the way. It will hit you, but when u surrender to the wave , you will flow with it. I didn’t fight Cancer as it isn’t a war. I gave in , but I never gave up on my self. Breast cancer journey has taught me a lot. It makes me happy to see more campaigns happening around it to increase awareness to this disease and the benefits of early detection. Don’t delay your regular checkups; that doesn’t make a better reality, instead, it makes a miserable one. With all the things I lost during my Journey, I gained a much more valuable aspect in return. I am grateful to my breast cancer for taking away the fear within me and thankful to God that I am still here sharing my story with the whole World."

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Gracie Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot With : Nikon D850 85mm and 24-70mm

Gulshan Abdul Nabee
Breast Cancer Survivor

Gulshan, came across as a calm and happy individual as I connected with her over a telecon and then later for the #PINKDAYTOSHINE shoot in 2019. She shared her journey with Breast Cancer and how she supported her body through it. Her attitude and her managing a diet helped her through the rather difficult days of Chemo treatments.

"I am a breast cancer survivor and did my operation in 2010. When I was first diagnosed positive for Breast Cancer, I did not have any idea about the the treatment and procedures of Breast Cancer. When my doctors told me I had to take Chemo, again I was fully unaware of the side effects of chemo, the durations and the process I will have to go through. I took my first chemo in Mumbai, India and the very next day I travelled back to Dubai. At that time I did not have any side effects but when I took my second one I had a very bad experience I got all the side effects like vomiting, ulcer in my mouth had difficulty in eating and this was making my immunity very weak but I fought and got over it.

As a precaution, to ensure that I get my chemo therapy regularly, I managed and maintained my diet throughout my treatment. I did everything to build my immunity and I kept my mind strong.

You should have a good immunity to face the chemo therapy. I worked on to build it through my diet and my mind set. I ate plenty of fruits, green salads, coconut water and I loved having all the berry juices and also consumed goose berry juice regularly. Ayurvedic medicines also helped me, with building my bodies strength and immunity. All this really helped me with handling my sessions. I had difficulty consuming solid foods, and hence I used to drink a lot of juices. I accepted that I have to be treated and I was ready to support my body with the treatments mentally.

Every time I used to go for my Chemo therapy, my immunity used to be very good and as per doctors there were no drawbacks. They were also very happy. I was happy I could continue with my medication. And most important is to keep your mind strong. Build your will power to handle this disease and its treatments.", Gulshan

Gulshan's message to others : " I would advise you to support your body and help it build its immunity to fight this cancer and manage the side effects of its treatments. The most important thing is to keep your mind strong. Build your will power. you should never view it as getting medication for a "very big disease". If you mind is accepting and viewing something as "BIG", it will always become BIG and will be difficult to manage. If your mind is viewing it as a simple occurrence, and when you are leading a simple less anxious life, everything will become simple for you.

If you are coping with Breast Cancer and its treatments don't feel disheartened. But know that you will get over it. And please make sure to keep your immunity and diet properly."

From Nithya's telephonic interview with Gulshan in 2019

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Mehreen Nabeel Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Nikon D850 85mm1.8 and 27-70 mm 2.8

Irina McGowan

Breast Cancer Survivor

"I was diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2015, three months after arriving to Dubai. I’m a mother of 2 boys and they were 10 and 12 years old at the time of diagnosis. I didn’t want to worry them and kept it a secret till a year later when I finished my treatment. I had my surgery beginning of January 2016, done by the wonderful Dr Houriya Kazim. 2/02/2016 I started with the chemotherapy, the course of which I couldn’t fully complete due to complications. A month later I started radiotherapy, 35 fractions and traveling for it to Abu Dhabi. I was also receiving Herceptin - hormone treatment which was completed in January 2017.

I do regular checkups every 3 months. I’ve made huge changes to every aspect of my lifestyle, including food (I eat mostly plant based organic food), managing stress levels ( I’ve become a Psychotherapist and educate people on the role of stress in cancer and other ailments), household chemicals ( I use plant based), personal care and beauty products ( I apply things on my skin that are edible + essential oils), I spend more time exercising etc.

I enjoy and value life more now and am eager to bring awareness to other ladies.", Irina

From Nithya's telephonic interview with Irina in 2019

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Paula Gioga Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: #Z6 #85mm14

Rekha Dubey Gupta
Breast Cancer Warrior

A mother of two, Rekha Dubey joined us in Dubai in 2019, amidst her treatment.

As she was undergoing her chemo treatments at the time, I wasn't sure if she would be able to join us on the PINKDAYTOSHINE event. However amidst her treatment, this rather joyful and enthusiastic young mom , joined us for a brief time. It was indeed my pleasure to photograph and connect with this amazing fellow mom.

She is a true fighter and while photographing her, I saw a true warrior of Breast Cancer before me.

As she continues her treatments, we send her and her family all love and blessings!

Photography & editing : @nithyarajkumar.in , Makeup Artist: Gracie Location partner: @rovehotels

Imaging Partner: @nikonmea#nikonmea Shot with: Nikon D850 85mm 1.8

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Nithya Rajkumar Photography LLC